Index » En Garde

En Garde

Caledon Oxbridge Fencing (COF)

Caledon Oxbridge Fencing (COF) The group Caledon Oxbridge Fencing (COF) was founded at 20th July 2009 by Kitiana Marenwolf. Today captained by Ravelli Ormstein and Katrine Baily. Group membership is free. The group chat can be used to ask for opponents. As a group member you will receive further info about game play, strategy, team and tournaments. The purpose is to offer a service to the Caledon Oxbridge University, its scholars, faculty members, residents and friends of the Independent State of Caledon.

Recent En Garde Duels

Recent En Garde Duels This is a list of duels that took place in the last 24 hours in Second Life. It is meant to bring you to fencing locations where you might find an opponent right now.

SL En Garde Rankings

SL En Garde Rankings In order to get a higher rank, you need more duels, wins, opponents, and points. The ranking is based upon the duels of the past 30 days. Hover a player's name to see more details. The lowest factor indicates, where the player should improve on. The ELO Rating is permanent.

SL En Garde Elo Ratings

Your Profile This lists En Garde duellists who have been active in the last 30 days and their corresponding Elo Rating, a renowned ranking system originally developed for chess, but also used for other sports and online games. Duellists with less than 30 duels played are marked [new]. Your current Elo Rating will be sent to you as instant message (IM) every time you sit down on an En Garde piste, as well as when you finish a duel. New players start with a rating of 1200.

En Garde Teams

Second Life En Garde Teams WORK IN PROGRESS!
This is a list of En Garde teams in Second Life. To join a certain team, either use the Team Manager of your Team Captain, or login to your profile and select one of the teams (not working yet). You can join one team only, but switching to another at any time. To establish and manage your own team, you need to own a Team Manager (available soon). You don't have to own an En Garde fencing piste, so everybody can establish a team.


Locations To enter your location onto the SL En Garde Rankings, go to Caledon Oxbridge Fencing and get a copy of the RO En Garde Ranking Tracker from the vendor for L$1.

Your Profile

Your Profile Here you can customise your Privacy Settings, e.g. hiding your name from this website and from in-world displays.
To access your SL En Garde Rankings profile, you need to touch the poster Your Profile, which you can find at the back of the Caledon Oxbridge Fencing hall.


En Garde Statistics Here you find statistics about all En Garde pistes in Second Life, who joined this Ranking System. Additional diagrams and tables to come...

En Garde K.O. Tournament Viewer

En Garde K.O. Tournament Viewer A viewer for K.O. tournaments. It lists all upcoming duels within a tournament, their start time and location of the fencing piste.