Name | Value |
Duels since 2021-06-06 03:23 | 25117 |
Duels in past 30 days | 328 |
Average Points of Player 1 | 3.7909 |
Average Points of Player 2 | 3.7269 |
Duellists registered | 563 |
Duellists with more than 1 duel | 418 ≈ 74% |
Duellists with more than 10 duels | 182 ≈ 32% |
Duellists with more than 100 duels | 58 ≈ 10% |
Duellists with more than 1000 duels | 12 ≈ 2% |
Duellists active in past 30 days | 47 ≈ 8% |
Locations active in past 30 days | 8 |